  • 期刊


Research on Zi-Fan: The Chief Minister Assisted Jin Wen Gong in Establishing the Hegemony




春秋 晉國 子犯 狐偃


In the Spring and Autumn Period, Li-Gi, one of Jin Xian Gongs wives, wanted her son to get the authority of Jin, it was the cause of Jin Wen Gong became a fugitive for nineteen years. At last, Jin Wen Gong could be back to his country and ascended the throne. The most important element was several ministers helped him and acquired a great achievement, they were Zi-Fan (Hu-Yan), Zhao-Cui, Xian-Zhen, Hu-Mau, etc. Among Jin Wen Gong's ministers, ”Xian-Zhen and Zi-Fan were my trusted subordinates.” Jin Wen Gong once said so. Biographies of Famous Ministers in the Spring and Autumn Period by Gong Cheng Gu Chang Guang, the author was a Japanese Sinologist. He only kept abreast of Zi-Fan and Xi-Que, but Xian-Zhen was not selected from this book. Zi-Fan was the first minister suggested Jin Wen Gong that established hegemony by advocating, ”It would be better to boost the King of Zhou than request support from the other dukes.” His suggestion had greatly contributed to the accomplishment of Jin Wen Gong dominated over the Central Plains. From coming out of an excavation 'Peals of Zi-Fan', the epigraphy showed us Zi-Fan must have a greatly meritorious contribution in Jin Wen Gong's hegemony. Because not only the King of Zhou presented him with barouches and ceremonial dresses, but also the other dukes gifted him with copper and let him found peals. Up to the present, it has seemed that none made a study of Zi-Fa. Though having little talent and less learning, I tried to demonstrate that Zi-Fan's success was based on he had the good upbringing, a person of character and the capabilities, from ancient books as Guo Yu, Zuo Zhuan etc. So he pushed that Jin Wen Gong accomplished the hegemony through as soon as possible. Both ancient books and 'Peals of Zi-Fan' could prove that he was the most import minister who assisted Jin Wen Gong in establishing the hegemony. No one could own the historic significance except Zi-Fan.


the Spring and Autumn Period Jin Zi-Fan Hu-Yan




