  • 期刊


Research on the Literary Lecture on Taizi Xudana Jing: Centering on Six Pieces, such as ДX.285, and BD.8006




There were totally two pieces of copies of the literary writings of the lecturing on Taizi Xudana Jing (translated by Shengjian in the Western Qin Dynasty) for the public listeners among the Dunhuang manuscripts, ДX.285 (with six pieces) and BD.8006. This essay surveyed the stylistic, the date of writing, and the relationship of these two manuscripts, basing on the previous research. These two hand-copied book should be named as The Literary Lecture on Taizi Xudana Jing. These two manuscripts fragments were separate public lectures based on the same source text of Taizi Xudana Jing, and textual comparisons indicate that they were closely related chronologically, with an approximate date between the 9th and 10th centuries of Guiyijun period. The terminus post quem is ca. 860 CE, when Tan Kuang completed the Dasheng-bai-fa-ming-men-lun-kai-zong-yi-ji. Except that, these two pieces of copies were derived from the same literary lecturing on Taizi Xudana Jing, but they were belong to two different lecturing activities. The Vessantara Jataka of Xudana was very popular in the Chinese Medieval Period, with five forms of dissemination. The first is through the quotations and excerpts of Kang Senghui's Liudu Ji Jing and Shengjian's Taizi Xudana Jing that were integrated into the Buddhist Genus-book by eminent monks. The second is through singing the Xudana in the tune of Buddhist chants, introduced by Shi Daozong, an eminent monk who was better at translating reading of Buddhist Sutras. The third is through the vernacular genres of sutra lectures, theatrical plays, eulogies and sermons commonly seen in the Tang and the Five Dynasties. Fourthly, sculptured reliefs and frescoes in India, Central Asia, Dunhuang, and Central China invoke the story as an exemplum of generosity and moral fortitude. Finally, the Taoist had compiled Taoism books by taking some plots from Taizi Xudana Jing.


任繼愈主編 《國家圖書館藏敦煌遺書》,北京:國家圖書館出版社,2008 年。
﹝俄﹞孟列夫、錢伯城主編 《俄藏敦煌文獻》第 6 冊,上海:上海古籍出版社,1996 年。
三國吳.康僧會譯 《六度集經》,《大正藏》第 3 冊。
三國吳.支謙譯 《菩薩本緣經》,《大正藏》第 3 冊。
西秦.聖堅譯 《太子須大拏經》,《大正藏》第 3 冊。
