  • 期刊


Deeds on Sales of a Buddhist Dwelling




于闐語 尉遲曜 比丘 僧房舍 阿毗達摩


This paper deals with a Khotanese document written on a wooden tablet which is preserved in the institute for protection of cultural relics in Cira county of Khotan region in Xinjiang. The wooden plate is only the bottom part of a former double tablet of which the cover does not exist anymore. However, the remained part records two deeds of sales of a līnā-a word that originally means 'a rock cave' in Buddhist ambience in ancient India. In ancient Khotan līnā designified rather a dwelling of Buddhist monk than a real rock cave. The deed written on the inner side of bottom tablet reveals that the vendor was a secular man who sold the dwelling to a Buddhist monk for money. The inner deed predates the one on the other side of the tablet which has a date: The sale happened in the 6^(th) year of the Khotanese king Viśa Vāhaṃ (approximately in 772 AD). However, the same dwelling bought by the previous monk was sold to another monk of Abhidharma school for 2000 coins.


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段晴、策勒縣文管所 〈尉遲曜 11 年裴捺賣地案牘〉,《西域文史》第七輯(K-1798.0101),2012 年,頁 123-138。
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