  • 學位論文


Law and Economic Analysis of the Standard-Form Contracts in the Pre-Sales Housing Market: Focused on Mandatory and Prohibitory Provisions to Be Included in Standard-Form Contracts

指導教授 : 曾明遜


在承諾先於履行的非同時性預售屋交易中,為了降低不合作誘因與契約協商交易成本,預售屋交易當事人常透過定型化契約的簽訂,促使產權互易以實現交易雙方互利的合作結果。惟預售屋定型化契約係由企業經營者單方研擬,因此契約中可能隱藏某些不公平的風險與責任分配。預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項係藉法規內容為契約內容一部分的方式,試圖降低交易雙方契約協商成本、揭露真實或保全資訊並注意契約中重要事項,是政府介入市場運作的一種行政規制工具。然而,雖有立法規制、行政規制等方式規範預售屋定型化契約,但在法院實務上卻仍出現不少糾紛,徒增訴訟糾紛成本。有效之應記載及不得記載事項規制,雖可適度縮減不公平與欺瞞隱晦定型化契約條款所產生的外部性,但該規制方式頗具爭議,如行政機關的好意介入欠缺適當自制,則私法及市場交易秩序可能為不當破壞;另外,應記載事項雖預定交易雙方的權利義務與舉證責任分配,惟權利保障的執行如須花費過高成本,或甚有窒礙難行之虞,則落實的機會將大打折扣,不但難以達成其立法目的,更徒增法律制定成本。 為改善預售屋買賣定型化契約之相關法制問題,本研究以文獻整理評析方式,了解規範預售屋定型化契約之法制發展與規制趨勢,利用最高法院與高等法院之相關案件,分析司法實務的糾紛整體面貌,運用法律經濟分析方法,納入互依成本與漢德公式,尋求應記載及不得記載事項之有效規制密度,並以權利保障方式與舉證責任分配之雙重考量框架,分析重要應記載事項的權利保障規定,而因預售屋多為公寓大廈型態,應記載事項的權利保障規定即有公寓大廈管理條例之適法。經由分析結果得知,預售屋定型化契約之法制規範發展呈現出規範內容有逐漸具體明確的現象,政府對於定型化契約規制有逐漸加強趨勢;法院實務糾紛方面,以有無廣告不實、有無面積不符及有無違約金過高為主要爭點類型,而應記載及不得記載事項的引用率則偏低,且法官對其多持保留態度;規制密度上,應記載及不得記載事項之規制,根據各不同事項性質賦予差別規制強度之規制方式,相對於現行規定將全部事項賦予相同法律效果之規制方式,較有誘因縮減交易的社會成本;最後權利保障方式之分析,在加入舉證責任分配的考量下,應記載事項的權利保障規定並不必然係交易成本最小之規定。為縮減交易成本,建議應記載及不得記載事項在立法模式上可分開列舉一般任意規範、懲罰性任意規範及強行規範之事項,在應記載事項第5點及第19點宜往提高權利保障程度方向,公寓大廈管理條例第33條第3款規定宜設法降低高協商成本問題,如欲採取補償法則保障方式,宜改善法院執行成本過高問題,使交易雙方權益獲得保障,並達資源有效配置之效率結果。


In the pre-sales housing exchange that was promise before their performance, in order to reduce transaction costs of contract negotiation, both seller and buyer in the pre-sales housing market often through the standard-form contracts to promote the cooperative result of property right exchange to achieve both sides mutually beneficial. But standard-form contracts for pre-sales housing was made by enterprises manager unilateral, maybe there are some unfair risk and responsibility were concealed in contracts. Mandatory and prohibitory provisions to be included in standard-form contracts for pre-sales housing is the administration regulatory instrument, which attempts to reduce transaction costs of contract negotiation, to induce supply of true or safety information, and to promote the both transaction parties to pay more attention to the important items within contracts. Even though there are related rules such as legislation, and administration control to model standard-form contracts for pre-sales housing. In court practice, it still exist many disputes, wasting litigation costs. Effective regulatory instruments can correct externalities arising from unfair and obscure information in standard-form contracts terms, while redundant administration intervention in the contract terms will increase transaction costs. Entitlements and burden of proof distribution are placed, while high enforcement costs will be hard to carry out. To improve the problems, in this paper, the development of standard-form contracts laws and standard-form contracts of pre-sales housing cases of Supreme Court and Taiwan High Court are introduced. And adopts an approach based on law and economics that incorporates the interdependence costs and “Learned Hand Rule” to discuss which regulatory density can reduce transaction costs and thus promote optimal exchange. Assumes the frame concerned with rules for protecting and regulating entitlements and burden of proof distribution to discuss regulations of entitlements protection. This paper shows that, it’s a trend that government control to model standard-form contracts for pre-sales housing is gradually strong. Litigant’s disputes are focused on advertisements, the measure of area, and pay for breaking a contract. Different regulatory densities provide more efficient incentives for minimizing the social costs of transaction than the same regulatory density. And the regulations of entitlements protection existing must not can minimize transaction costs. In order to lower transaction costs, this paper suggests that the regulatory instrument of mandatory and prohibitory provisions should be enforced through the operation of different regulatory densities, which are private terms, default rules and immutable rules that are related to different characteristics of mandatory and prohibitory provisions to be included in standard-form contracts for pre-sales housing. Items No.5 and No.19 that should be printed on the standard-form contracts for pre-sales housing should be in enhancing entitlements protection direction. And think up a method to lower negotiation costs when Condominium Management Ordinance §33 about agreed private use is applied to. While this law adopts liability rules, it should improve higher court enforcing costs problem.


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7. 林誠二(2001),再論誠信原則與權利濫用禁止原則之機能-最高法院八十八年度臺上字第二八一九號判決評釋,台灣本土法學雜誌,第22期,頁36-61。


