  • 學位論文


Economic Analysis on the Electromagnetic Wave’s Right of Cellular Base Station

指導教授 : 曾明遜


近年來,國內行動電話的普及率已經達到世界第一,然而透過報章媒體的報導,卻也常看到許多因基地台架設而引起民眾抗爭的事件。顯然基地台的設置是許多民眾關心的話題,人們一方面渴望行動通訊帶來的便利,一方面又不想基地台設置在自家附近。雖然目前還沒有足夠的證據可以證明基地台所釋放出的電磁波對人體有害,但地狹人稠的台灣,只要任何不利於「房價」的因素,都足以構成引起居民抗爭的要件。人民在遇到如基地台這類可能侵犯自身權利的事件時往往不願透過法律來解決爭端,卻常採取體制外的抗爭手段來解決問題,無形中造成社會資源的無謂損失。最後也不一定能達到原先冀望達成的目標。歸究其原因,從政府為了防治電磁波危害所做的事前管制與事後賠償措施進而牽涉到基地台電磁波釋放權利的權利歸屬與權利保障方式都有著可探討的空間。國內目前對於電磁波的管制方式並未針對區域或業者差異,而對於各種不同情況都採用同一管制標準。因此業者只需使其電磁波維持在此單一管制標準以內便可在行動通訊產業內生存,造成電磁波是放量過多或不足的現象。此外法院在審理基地台電磁波相關糾紛時往往以基地台釋放之電磁波是否超過電磁波管制標準來做為業者是否違法的依據,因此管制標準制定的方式對於事後損害賠償的依據以及法官決定之權利歸屬與權利保障方式有密切的關聯。 本研究主要是藉由分析國內目前對於基地台與電磁波之事前管制標準與事後的賠償責任。進而探討主管機關如何制定最適的管制標準,電信業者如何事前管制與事後賠償的污染防治政策下選擇最適合的損害預防措施。若業者之資產與技術不同時,業者又會怎麼選擇最適的電磁波產量與預防措施。並探討不同的電磁波管制方式會帶來之不同交易成本與其間之差異。權利歸屬與保障方式的部分則主要以Coase定理與交易成本理論為主軸,分析電信業者與受害者兩方在什麼情況下才有進行談判協商的可能,進而探討對於電磁波釋放權不同的權利歸屬搭配不同的權利保障方式會產生哪些交易成本,以及交易成本對於不同的方案之影響。從而對於近幾年發生過的有關基地台架設的糾紛案件以經濟學來分析法官的裁判內容。


In recent years, the ownership rate of mobile phone in Taiwan has reached the top of the world. But by the mass media, we also find many disputes about the base station. The topic of base station’s setting apparently aroused many people’s attention. People love the communication’s convenience, but also hate the base station sets near their houses. Though there are not enough evidence can prove the electromagnetic wave is harmful to our health yet, but in crowded Taiwan, any factor which hrmful house’s value will certainly arouse the people’s protest. However, people encounter these kind of dispute which may invade people’s rights such as cellular base station. They usually adopt the way of protest, but not use law’s way to solve their problem. It virtually caused the deadweight loss of social resoueces, and it not necessarily to obtain their object. So from the method that government use for prevent people not be damaged by electromagnetic, the authority of base station’s rights of release electromagnetic wave and how to protect the authority rights . These elements all need to be reviewed again. But In Taiwan, we do not sort the regulations by location or enterprise but use a solo regulation to control the electromagnetic wave. Therefore the telecommunication enterprises only need to obey the regulation, then they will exist in the industry. It may make the phenomen that the base station release electromagnetic wave too much or too low in the society. Besides, when the court try to judge the legal cases about base station or electromagnetic, they usually adjudicate the base station cause damage to the victims if it release the electromagnetic waves over the regulation. Therefore, the ex ante regulation has closely relation to ex post liability for harm, the judgement about authority rights and the proction of rights. The thesis is analys the ex ante regulation of the electromagnetic and the ex post liability for harm which released by base station, then we study the government how to formulate the most optimal regulation standard of electromagnetic and the telecommunication enterprise’s behavior to prevent the damage under the regulation. If the enterprises have difference in capital or technique, then they ho to select the optimal prevent behavior and the optimal output of electromagnetic wave. We also study when there have different way of regulation on electromagnetic, the enterprise will take what kinds of transaction cost. Then we will use the Coase theorem and the transaction theory to analyze what situation of the enterprise and the victims will negotiation, then the thesis study the difference when the electromagnetic realese right’s authority match the different protection way of right will result in what kinds of transaction costs, and how the transaction’s affect of the different formula. At final, we will use the economics analysis method to analyse the legal cases about base station and electromagnetic wave of recent years.


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7.曾明遜、謝潮儀(1995),<住戶逃避鄰避設施之自我防衛支出-以垃圾處理廠為實證對象>,《都市與計畫》(民國八十四年)第二十二卷 第二期 第57~73頁。
