  • 期刊


Effect of High-Heeled Shoes Inserts on Foot Pressure and Perceived Comfort for Employees in Service Industry




To inert high-heeled shoes is a daily necessary for the employees in service industry based on the appearance of bearing and graceful for their work. Owing to the long-term inserting or some poor designs of high-heeled shoes, the employees may suffer from subjectively perceived discomfort and musculoskeletal disorders. Eight healthy participants who work in service industry were recruited in this study. An ergonomics study was conducted to discover the relationship among the high-heeled height, working posture, and wearing time for subjects' perceived discomfort and foot pressures. Independent variables include high-heeled heights (0 cm, 5 cm, and 9 cm), working postures (standing, sitting, walking) and wearing times (15 min, 30 min, 45 min). The response measures include subjective perceived discomfort and foot pressure. The results showed that high-heeled height, working posture and wearing time significantly influenced subjects' perceived discomfort and musculoskeletal disorders. The worst combination is employees wearing an 9 cm high-heeled shoe and walking 45 minutes without rests. It is suggested that the optimum choice is lower heeled shoes with appropriate rest time for the employees in service industry.
