  • 期刊


Preliminary Evaluation of a Smoking Cessation Program among Pregnant and Postpartum Women




跨理論模式 戒菸 懷孕 產後 衛生教育


Smoking has been recognized as a chronic and additive illness rather than just a health risk behavior. The purpose of this study is to emphasize the health hazard of pregnant women and children caused by smoking and explore the utilization of health educational media to promote mothers' smoking cessation. A health educational intervention was developed and evaluated for pregnant and postpartum women based on the Transtheoretical Model (TTM). A total of 14 participants (10 pregnant and 4 postpartum women) received the intervention. We used a single-group pre-post design and structured questionnaire to collect data and non-parameter analyses to data analyze due to limited number of participants. Results indicated that short-term intervention could significantly improve participants' knowledge and self-efficacy, but did not significantly improve participants' stages of change and decisional balance. The study results supported that theory-based intervention would be sensitive to detect the changes in knowledge and self-efficacy of the participants. In addition, the results supported the hypotheses according to TTM. We suggested that the effective identification and referral of pregnant and postpartum smoking women is needed. Further study or program may combine smoking cession and anti-smoking strategies and base on appropriate theory.
