  • 學位論文

衛生教育介入對預防青少年吸菸之成效 -以彰化縣國高中學生為調查對象

The effect of preventive smoking intervention program among adolescents

指導教授 : 楊志良


中文摘要 一、目的:瞭解影響青少年對菸害認知、態度與行為之因素,探討菸害防制衛生教育介入活動,對青少年在增進菸害認知、吸菸態度與行為之改善成效。 二、研究設計:準實驗研究設計,以學校立意抽樣;再以班級隨機抽樣,為避免實驗污染,實驗組與對照組分屬不同學校。 三、研究對象:實驗組學生259位,對照組則為156位,均為國一、國二與高一、高二學生,平均年齡為15歲。 四、介入方式:不相等之介入,實驗組接受本研究計畫的菸害防制衛生教育八種活動,如話劇比賽、才藝表演等,以傳遞有關菸害之知識、培養反菸態度與建立反菸行為,對照組則接受彰化縣衛生局之「健康促進學校」方案,由彰化市西北衛生所舉行兩次菸害防制有獎徵答,該有獎徵答非本研究計畫之介入活動;衛生教育活動實施前後,兩組皆接受前後測。 五、分析方法:評估衛生教育活動介入前後之成效,以多變量統計方法(複回歸、兩因子重複量數變異數分析)來進行分析。 六、研究結果: (一)、菸害衛生教育活動介入後,國中實驗組顯示在菸害認知、吸菸態度與行為均優於對照組,顯示衛生教育活動介入有其成效,但高中組則無顯著差異。 (二)、影響青少年吸菸行為的因素,主要為社會環境因素:父親、朋友有無吸菸、家庭吸菸與父母教育程度有關。 (三)、在菸害衛生教育介入活動項目中,以才藝表演最受學生喜愛,其次為有關菸害防制之影片欣賞,有43.8%的學生認為學校菸害防制活動對增進菸害認知、態度與反菸行為有幫助。 七、結論:在以國、高中學生進行菸害衛生教育介入,就其短期效應而言,增進學生之菸害認知、培養不吸菸態度與建立反菸行為有其成效,但行為的產生是一連續過程,因此在預防青少年吸菸策略上,宜持續衛生教育之介入,以維持其效應,並以在國小高年級與國中階段進行,其成效最佳。


Abstract Objective:To assess the effect of an antismoking intervention focusing on adolescent in junior and senior high school students,therefore be useful to prevent smoking among these students. Design:The accurate experimental study design, to the school purposive sampling; Again take the class and grade random sampling, as avoids testing pollutes, the experimental group and the comparison group belong the different school. Subject:259 students in the intervention and 156 students in the control group,two junior high schools and two senior high school were assigned as the experiment group, comparison group selected one junior high school and one senior high school,junior and senior high school all in the first 、second grade,average age 15 years. Intervention:Experiment group was treat with antismoking activities,while control group then accepts the non- this research to plan it " promote health the school"project of Q & A activities two times.Two groups were assessed by the questionnaires before and after receiving instruction. Main outcome measure:Comparison of smoking knowledge、antismoking attitude、behavior before an d after intervention,using multilevel analysis. Result: 1. Subjects of junior high schools in the experimental group demonstrated a significant improvement in knowledge, attitudes 、behavior after the intervention compared with control group. 2.The influence of youth seems to be an important environmental factor in starting to smoke,especially among adolescents with parents and peers、families smoking and parent’s education. 3.Most of the adolescents in the experimental group were interested in the intervention activities,especially talent and skill performance and then see the antismoking movie,43.8%students thought these intervention activities were useful and helpful. Conclusion:In the short term,an intervention activities based on uptake smoking knowledge, decrease smoking attitudes and behavior with students. But the behavior production is a continuous process, therefore in prevents the young people to attract in the tobacco strategy, suitably continues involvement the health education, maintain its effect. Evidence indicates that delaying the early onset smoking into the primary and junior high school students setting health intervention can be excellent for promoting the health of adolescents.


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