  • 期刊


The Analysis on the Assessment of Freshman' Health-Promoting Lifestyle and Self-Rated Health in Colleges and Universities


本研究旨在探討大學生的生活型態及危害健康行為的調查。研究目的:(1)瞭解大學生過去一年的睡眠、早餐與運動習慣之現況(2)瞭解大學生合法物質使用、壓力身心症、生理與心理的自覺健康評估及女性經期健康情形。研究對象:依據教育部99學年度學校名冊全國大專校院大一新生為對象進行問卷調查,抽樣校數為39所,回收校數共計28所,回收率達71.79%,共計46,660人。研究結果:(1)大學生在睡眠、早餐與運動習慣方面:每日睡足7-8小時之學生佔全國44.79%,不足或失眠為55.21%。每天吃早餐之學生佔全國63.82%,偶爾或不吃早餐為36.18%。有運動習慣之學生佔全國47.76%,沒有運動習慣為52.24%。(2)在合法物質使用行為方面:有4.19%之學生有吸菸行為,28.3%之學生有喝酒行為,以及有0.32%之學生有嚼檳榔行為。特別在喝酒方面,男性學生高於女性學生(35.72% vs.20.33%)。(3)在壓力身心症方面:時常感到焦慮、憂慮之學生有2.57%,時常感到胸悶僅佔1.26%,時常感到胃痛及頭痛之學生各佔4.36%及3.90%。普遍感覺胸悶、胃痛及頭痛之比率以女生高於男性。(4)女性經期健康方面:女學生之初經年齡平均在12.89歲,月經規律性平均28.16天,約有51.63%的女性學生有痛經現象。(5)自覺健康評估方面:學生自覺得自己與同年齡的人比較,生理較差佔20.79%,心理狀況差佔7.7%。


This study therefore has the following purposes: (1) To understand the current habits of Freshman's sleep patterns, breakfast, and exercise, over the previous year. (2) To understand any usage of smoking, alcohol, or betel quid, stress, psychosomatic disorders, assessment of any perceived physical and mental difficulties, and the female menstrual condition. Our study sample contains 46,660 participants who were randomly selected from 28 out of 39 colleges and universities, according to the National Collegiate Freshman's list from the Ministry of Education in the 99 school year. The response rate of the survey was 71.79%. The results of this study are as follows:(1) In terms of sleep, breakfast, and exercise habit, 44.79% of students slept 7-8 hours per day, 63.82% of students had breakfast every day, and 47.76% of students exercised regularly. (2) Only 4.19% of the participants had the smoking habit; 0.32% were in the habit of chewing betel nut; and 28.3% were in the habit of consuming alcohol. (3) In terms of psychosomatic disorders, only 2.57% of the participants frequently felt anxious, 1.26% felt tightness in the chest, 4.36% suffered from stomachaches, and 3.90% suffered from headaches. (4) Regarding the female menstrual condition, the average age of the first menstrual period was 12.89. The average interval of the menstrual period was 28.16 days. Above all, 51.63% of the female participants frequently had symptoms of dysmenorrheal.(5) In terms of self-rated health assessment, about 20.79% and 7.7% of the students thought that their physical and mental condition were worse than other peers.
