  • 期刊


Expressive Art and Emotion Management-the Learners' Feedbacks and Reflections




Weak mental health and stress lead to inadequate emotion of college students in Taiwan. Emotion management is of extreme importance in medical school education in Taiwan as medical students confront formidable academic, On the other hand, the creation process of expressive art is widely recognized as helpful in fine-tuning emotion and health. To investigate the effect of expressive arts on emotion management of medical students, this study involves 35 freshmen in the course of Expressive Art and Emotion Management. Questionnaires were designed to gain their insights into the course taking motivation and feedbacks to the course activities. The results show that 13 units course, 71% to 87% of the participants agreed to learn how to use expressive art to manage their emotions more effectively, 83% of them were able to arrive at course purpose. This course design and learner feedbacks conclusion, it can helps medical students to ”voice” themselves and communicate with others and therefore carries the potential in facilitating their emotion management and human relations.


