  • 期刊


Origins of Articulation between Physical Education and Athletics in United States Colleges




身體教育 競技運動 新體育 大學


The purpose of the study was to retrace the track of development of physical education (PE) in United States colleges, and to probe the articulation of PE and athletics in colleges. The study used historical research method to retrace and analyze the articulation between PE and athletics in U.S. Colleges. In late 19th century the gymnastics dominated the PE, and the ranging controversy among systems of gymnastics became known as the Battle of the Systems. At the same time, the standardized sports boomed in colleges by intercollegiate competition. PE and athletics developed in parallel. By 1920s, the New Physical Education was influenced by the new education thought, and was formed in US. The new physical activity field expanded its content that included gymnastics and natural physical activities. Colleges needed some way to recruit students and raise money, and they utilized the intercollegiate athletics by legalizing it as educational in the campus. By the time, the sought and games of Olympics also enhanced further the control and management of athletics in the of authority American colleges. Finally, the PE became a synthetic department by connecting several elements: PE, athletics, heath education, hygiene, and leisure. After above probe and analysis, the major drive power of the articulation between PE and athletics in American colleges were the expansion of New Physical Education, the legalizing of intercollegiate athletics in colleges, and the survival of the PE Department in college. The drive power was found by the new education thought in US, when America people thought new education thought and reform were the solutions of the social problems derived by urbanization and industrialization.


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