In this research, a genetic phenomenological approach is used to portray the in-depth lived experiences derived from athletes' reconstruction of embodies ”skill-Gestalt.” It starts by interrogating Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Gestalt philosophy and elaborates four types of Gestalt which are static Gestalt, dynamic Gestalt, style Gestalt and reversibility Gestalt. Then through an examination of ”skill-Gestalt” cultivation this article recapitulates three types of skill training, namely, skill initiation training, skill exterior training, and skill reconstruction training. It is on skill reconstruction training which athletes are asked to discard and rebuild skill Gestalt, this study offers a genetic phenomenology description by elaborating the phenomena of ”Gestalt disorder” in skill reconstruction process, ”Gestalts encountering” of tactility-oriented athletes meet visuality-oriented coaches, and ”Gestalt of Gestalt” by echoing the ”call” of fleshly Gestalt with each other.