  • 期刊



European Commission, Vision 2020-Nanoeletronics At The Centre of Change, June 2004, P.6. http://www.eniac.eu/web/SRA/e-vision-2020.pdf (最後瀏覽日期: 99 年 2 月 4 日)。
Cluster for Application and Technology Research in Europe on NanoEletronics, Nanoeletronics-Key Enabler For Economic Growth and Prosperity, 2008, P.2-3. http://www.catrene.org/web/downloads/Brochure_CATRENE.pdf (最後瀏覽日期: 99年2月4日)。
Semiconductor Industry Association, Maintaining America's Competitive Edge: Governemnt Policy Affecting Semiconductor Industry R&D and Manufacturing Activity, March 2009, P58-60. 請參見網 址內容 : http://www.choosetocompete.org/downloads/Competitiveness_White_Paper.pdf (最後瀏覽日期: 99 年 2 月 8日)。
Association for European Nanoeletronics Activities, Multi-Annual Strategic Plan and Research Agenda 2008, 2008, P.4-5.http://www.eniac.eu/web/downloads/ENIAC-MASP-1-1.pdf?phpMyAdmin=ig9rAKg6c55ng69vfnXz-oviHEd (最後瀏覽日期: 99 年 2 月 4 日)。
Cluster for Application and Technology Research in Europe on NanoEletronics, Nanoeletronics-Key Enabler For Economic Growth and Prosperity, 2008, P.3. http://www.catrene.org/web/downloads/Brochure_CATRENE.pdf (最後瀏覽日期: 99年2月4日)。
