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A Study on Student's English Proficiency Test Scores and Their Attitudes towards Learning English at China University of Science and Technology

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本研究主要在探討學生英檢CSEPT成績和學習態度之研究,研究對象以中華科技大學有參加英檢的四技二年級學生為主。本研究以文獻、專家審議及問卷調查的方式進行。首先搜集學生英文學習上之問題,再以文獻分析的方式整理先前類似之研究結果,依據整理之資料設計研究架構,並請專家審議修正架構。問卷調查部分針對日四技二年級有參加英檢的16個班級,進行682份學生問卷發放,收回640份,有效問卷621份,回收率為93.84%,其中有英檢成績者483位,問卷資料以SPSS做資料整理分析,其總Cronbach's Alpha值為.890,在效度分析方面分為三項因素,「學習積極性」、「學習動機」及「學習認知」,其KMO(Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin)值為.889,累積變異解釋量為68.191%,顯示問卷信效度良好。本研究獲得之重要結論為:學生之英檢成績和學生之學習態度有顯著之關聯性及差異性。其中有高達70%以上的學生,認同英文對未來的幫助性及重要性,但只有30%的同學,對英文有興趣。主要原因是只有15%的學生認為英文是容易學習的,也因此降低了學生學習的意願。本研究的建議如下:瞭解同學在英文學習上之困難;設計或選擇合適之教材以使學生在學習上較不會有挫折感;選取適合學生之教學方法以引起學生的興趣及信心;及適時鼓勵學生以激發學生之英文學習意識。

Parallel abstracts

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between student's English proficiency test scores and their attitudes towards learning English in higher education. This study utilized quantitative methods to do the research. A questionnaire was sent to 682 participating students. Of the 682 questionnaires, 621 (or 93.84%) were returned. This questionnaire has high values in validity (KMO value is .889) and reliability (Cronbach's Alpha value is .890). The independent and dependent variables were analyzed with Pearson Correlation and ANOVA statistical tools. The 0.05 level of significance was used to test the null hypotheses. This study's results show that there is a significant relationship between student's English proficiency test scores and their learning attitudes (learning motivator, learning recognition, positive attitude) towards learning English. There are over 70 percent of students who believe that learning English is important and good for their future. However, only 30 percent of students are interested in learning English. The major reason that causes students to have problems in learning English is that students think English is too difficult for them to learn because, in the study, only 15 percent of students believe English is easy to learn. Therefore, it caused most students to be unwilling to learn English. Under this finding, this study suggests that teachers should find ways to improve their teaching styles and encourage students to have confidence in learning English.

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