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Safety Climate in Hospitals: From Science to Policy-The Progress of Needlestick Prevention in Taiwan




In hospitals, safety climate refers to the safety policies and regulations established by medical institutions and the measures taken to ensure medical personnel feel safe while working at these institutions. Safety climate can directly affect the overall work performance of medical personnel and indirectly affect patient care quality, which in turn impacts the rate of occupational hazards. Common occupational hazards in the medical workplace include contracting infectious diseases, overwork, irregular circadian rhythm due to working shifts, changes in sleep patterns and dietary habits, musculoskeletal discomfort, workplace violence, workplace stress, and needlestick injuries. This paper was developed to explore the history of promoting needlestick prevention in Taiwan, and discusses how to use the results of empirical research as scientific evidence and critical proofs to advocate for needlestick prevention and to establish related policies. In addition, the process of how improvements to the hospital safety climate and the prevention of occupational hazard incidents mutually influence and complement each other was examined. Future studies are encouraged to explore this topic to further elucidate the sources of workplace stress and to devise methods to ameliorate their influence on workplace stress in medical institutions. The results of these studies may be referenced by relevant government agencies and medical institutions when developing policies promoting safe environments in hospitals that improve the safe-work perceptions of nursing personnel and create comfortable and friendly medical environments.


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