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Pollution, Sci-fi, and the Sublime



Dirt is taking on a new character in the twenty-first century. It is becoming a thing of art, a thing represented by and representative of humanity. This article reviews some of the important theories in the growing body of work on garbage to discuss the implications of Patricia Yaeger's argument in PMLA that "postmodern detritus has unexpectedly taken on the sublimity that was once associated with nature." The article begins by offering a distinction between cli-fi and sci-cli-fi and argues throughout that the latter produces an affect of detachment that runs very much counter to any sense of activist engagement and that it does so primarily through its production of sublime objects. The waste that has become such an integral component of the Anthropocene is sublime and incomprehensible in its enormity, and the result is paralyzing.


廢棄物品在二十一世紀扮演了一個新角色。它正在嬗變為藝術的物品,人類以它作代表,而它同時也代表了人類。本論文綜述有關廢棄物的日益擴展的領域中的一些重要的理論表述,以便來探討帕特里夏.耶葛(Patricia Yaeger)在《現代語言協會評刊》裡發表的論點所蘊含之意;她說「后現代時期的雜亂碎片出乎預料地擔當了昔日非自然莫屬的雄渾之美。」美國詩人艾蒙斯(A. R. Ammons)的詩《垃圾》為理解耶葛指出的雄渾之美提供了一個好的角度;無獨有偶,一部令人擔憂的科幻大片《瓦力》或《機器人總動員》Wall-E也起了同樣的作用。本文先解釋「氣候小說」和「科幻小說」有何不同,隨後提出後者衍生了超然分離的情感,這種情感和任何積極參與的意識背道而馳,並認為它主要是通過有雄渾之美物品的產生而施行的。廢棄物業已演變成人類世概念中不可缺失的成分,它的雄渾之美,其廣袤無垠令人難以理解,而其後果將使人麻痺癱瘓。


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