  • 期刊


Quality Survey of Pressure Accuracy for Electronic Sphygmomanometers in Taiwan


本局於民國97年9、10月間,派員於北部地區(台北市、桃園縣)藥局及醫療器材行抽購市售電子血壓計檢體共計10件,包括2件國產品,8件輸入品(其中2件為日本製造、1件為德國製造、1件為印尼製造、4件為大陸製造)。並依據中華民國國家標準CNS 15041-1 (2007)「非侵入式血壓計-第1部:一般規定」(1)中壓脈帶壓力顯示之誤差限制值試驗方法進行檢驗判定。檢驗結果:壓力準確度試驗有1件不符合標準規範。本計畫為初步背景值調查,其結果將做為行政管理參考。


In order to ascertain the accuracy of electronic sphygmomanometers in Taiwan, a survey was carried out from September to October, 2008. 10 samples were collected from drugstores and medical equipment shops in northern area of Taiwan (Taipei City and Tao-Yuan County). Among those samples, 2 were domestic products and the others were imported products (2 from Japan, 1 from Germany, 1 from Indonesia and 4 from Mainland China). The tests were conducted in accordance with the section 7.1.1 ”Limits of the error of the cuff pressure indication” cited in CNS 15041-1 Specification for non-invasive sphygmomanometers-Part 1: General requirements.” One sample was found not comply with the standard. This survey was a preliminary study and the results can be implemented in the medical devices regulating system.
