  • 期刊


Reducing the Incidence of Falls in Orthopedic Wards




跌倒 骨科病人


Patient falls are an important indicator of the quality of care that not only increase the risk of refracture among patients in orthopedic care but also affects the patient's postoperative recovery and quality of life. Patient falls can also reduce the morale of nursing staff. The mean incidence of falls in our unit was 0.11% in 2018, significantly higher than the threshold. According to our analysis, the causes of falls are as follows: first, a lack of awareness of fall prevention measures, weakness in the lower limbs after the operation, and dizziness; nonetheless, patients still tend to think that they could go to the toilet without assistance. Furthermore, main caregivers also lacked awareness of fall prevention measures and did not accompany the patient at all times when assisting the patient in getting out of bed or going to the toilet. Additionally, the assessment form that was used could not correctly screen for high-risk groups, and insufficient health education guidance for fall prevention after anesthesia was provided. Therefore, a project team was organized in January 2019 with the aim of reducing the ward unit's fall rate. The improvement strategies included the following: first, formulating a grading system for patients with high risk for falls to identify groups that are at high risk for orthopedic falls; second, formulating health education manuals and postoperative health education leaflets to promote and strengthen fall prevention through health education; and third, creating an audit system to implement fall prevention measures. Through these strategies, the average fall rate decreased from 0.11% to 0.04%, and the project successfully achieved its objectives. By increasing the awareness of fall prevention among nurses, fall prevention has become a core value, thereby not only improving the quality of nursing care but also enhancing the morale of the nurses.


falling orthopedic patient


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