  • 期刊

詩學之於生命恆餘 阿甘本論述中詩學藝術作為生命-形式典範之可能

A Poetic Life of Potentiality-Poetry as a Paradigm of Form-of-Life in Giorgio Agamben


本文旨在探究在阿甘本的著作中,詩學藝術如何作為生命-形式(form-of-life)之典範(paradigm),指引生命的「恆餘」對抗主權「暴力」的可能。本文分成六部分:頭兩部分先說明阿甘本著作中,「生命」與「餘」之間的兩種不同關連,勾勒其所謂生命-形式、典範等概念,並解釋生命-形式如何也是某種「典範生命」(paradigmatic life),因此可以成為某種生命恆餘。再來,則回顧阿甘本對亞里斯多德(Aristotle)與但丁(Dante Alighieri)的閱讀,以釐清西方思想中能力(potentiality)與作為(activity)兩者與生命政治問題的關係,並藉此提出某種得以呈現、保存餘力的生命-形式運作。第四部分回到阿甘本對於現代性美學與語言能力的討論,說明詩學對於生命-形式實踐的重要性。接著,本文聚焦詩學經驗如何對生命產生質變,發展出某種詩學公共生命,抗衡主權的暴力機制。最後,本文將略談阿甘本論述中烏托邦傾向的問題,說明其政治構想其實是種「非-非烏托邦」(non-non-utopian)。


In this essay, I examine how Giorgio Agamben assigns poetry a paradigmatic status in his "form-of-life"-a positive, inexhaustible potentiality ("potenza") inherent in life that resists the violence of the biopolitical sovereignty. First, I review how sovereign power ("potere") and life are put into play in Agamben, and expound on his definition of form-of-life as a life of potentiality. Then, I turn to his conception of paradigm and address how form-oflife also takes the form of a paradigmatic life. Next, I discuss his critique of the biopolitical logic implied in Aristotle and explain how he, borrowing from Dante, constitutes form-of-life as a politics of (im-) potentiality and (in-) activity, or of an (in-) operativity which both exposes and conserves potentiality. After that, I move to Agamben's writings about aesthetics, poetry, and language in modernity. The purpose is to demonstrate how poetic language exemplifies a linguistic use that restores human language to its potential state and thus suggests an access to form-of-life. In the fifth part, I broach how poetry contributes to a new life beyond the shadow of death and negativity implied by biopolitics and to a possible poetic community beyond the logic of sovereign "dispositif". The key is: to experience the poetic use of language is to live a poetic life, a potential form-of-life realized both singularly and commonly. In the end, I will clarify the "non-non-utopian" stance of Agamben's political thinking.


Harper, Douglas, comp. "Infancy." Online Etymology Dictionary. 2001-14. Web. 13 Aug. 2014
Agamben, Giorgio(1996).Mezzi senza fine: Note sulla politica.Turin:Bollati Boringhieri.
Agamben, Giorgio(2005).La potenza del pensiero: Saggi e conferenze.Vicenza:Neri Pozza.
Agamben, Giorgio,Albert, Georgia(Trans.)(1999).The Man without Content.Macerata:Quodlibet.
