  • 期刊


The Presence of Forgetting and the Creation of Memory: A la recherche du temps perdu as a Work Facing the Future




回憶 遺忘 作品 藝術 未來


This article begins with the concept of forgetting to discuss memory as a force of creation that turns toward the creative memory (associated with the future), rather than one that looks back to the repetitive memory (associated with the past) in Marcel Proust's A la recherche du temps perdu. While remembering and forgetting are conventionally antonymous, the two processes are formed here in this work to formulate a creative relationship. Proust's narrator often recalls the past suddenly from forgetting, and this interrupts the continuum of the memory. However, the memory, derived from forgetting, renders forgetting as not only "void," but also an embodied creative memory. Through the analysis of the text, the paper attempts to argue that forgetting leads to a form of creation in Proust's text: it is no longer the "false memory" to be excluded, but rather another way of seeing the world. Moreover, the author further demonstrates how the characteristics of forgetting make artworks produce an open community. The artwork forces the audience to leave (forget) his or her habitual world, and, through others' works, reestablishes a double understanding between works and self, which completes the movement from individuality to an open community of the world. As a manner of making one shed his or her own individuality, forgetting serves as the rupture and reconstruction that create a fuller world image by correlating human beings with the external world through creative memory.


memory forgetting work art future


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