  • 期刊


Ecological Ethics: Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Concept of Flesh and Holmes Rolston III's Systemic Value




The early writings of 20th-century philosopher Maurice Jean Jacques Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) focus on elaborating the subject of body to propose that consciousness, the world, and the human body as a perceiving thing are intertwined and "engaged." In his later work, he puts forward the theory of "the flesh," claiming it to be the manifestation of existence as well as how the flesh testifies to the interweaving of beings through close-knit, ambiguous, indistinguishable relationships in the world. Inseparable from all beings of the world, the concept of flesh embodies the philosophical spirit of anti-anthropocentrism. This concept corresponds to the "intrinsic values" and "systemic values" proposed by the American 20th-century philosopher Holmes Rolston III (1932~ ). He believes that things in nature have values that do not depend on human evaluation-they have intrinsic values-and individual beings exist in relationships that need to be understood systematically-therefore having systemic values. He emphasizes the wholeness of nature and criticizes anthropocentrism. This paper presents a dialogue between European phenomenology and the American philosophy of environmental ethics in the 20th century while examining the relationship between human and nonhuman beings through a philosophical inquiry into the issue of existence.


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