  • 期刊


Sharing Fake News on Social Media in the Era of Post-truth


隨著社群媒體(social media)的盛行,人們應用社群媒體創造、傳遞、分享資訊的現象也日益普遍。在此脈絡下,假新聞的傳播也日益頻繁,甚至影響社會重大事件的結局,例如選舉。因此,如何分辨真假訊息、提升民眾資訊素養、媒體素養的聲浪不絕於耳。我們都知道人們分享假新聞,卻對為什麼分享假新聞的所知有限。作者觀察到人們可能在知道是假新聞的情況下分享假新聞。本文研究問題為,由情感面為切入點,以「後真相」概念探討人們分享假新聞原因的合適性。作者也一併探討資訊行為研究中相關的討論。本文提出由後真相時代的特徵來理解人們分享假新聞的原因,可能對多數由理性角度或假設人們的行為是理性產物的研究或論述,提出了批判性看法。這有助於讀者從另一個角度探討問題,而研究結果也有助於豐富傳播和資訊行為領域的學術內涵。


With the prevalence of employing social media in communication between people, the phenomenon of people using social media to create, transfer, and share information is becoming increasingly popular. In this context, the spread of fake news is becoming increasingly frequent, and influence the outcome of major social events, such as political elections. Considering the effects of spreading fake news, previous studies discuss the importance of improving people's information and media literacy, teaching individuals to distinguish misinformation from news. However, the researcher observe some people knowingly share fake news. Obviously, they do not care about if this is misinformation and are happy to share. This has sparked the researcher's curiosity. The author wanders why do people share fake news when they might know? In other words, they don't care about the authenticity of the news they share. What are the reasons? As Laybats and Tredinnick (2016) note we are living it is suggested in an age where politics no longer functions through rational discourse. In other words, we are now live in a "post‐truth" era ruled by emotional force. Situating this article in this milieu, this paper tries to discuss why people share fake new based on the concept of "post‐truth". This article attempts to explain the behavior of sharing fake news by people from an alternative point of view, which can expand the discussion and explanation of the dissemination of fake news, and poses a number of questions to further enrich the conversations.


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