  • 期刊

Secular Changes in Growth among Japanese Children Over 100 Years (1900-2000)



基因與環境因子複雜的交互作用與人類生長息息相關。過去研究曾報告日本兒童體型與身體質量指數的增加,然而較少的研究比較二次世界大戰前後兒童之生長,並且較少考慮其他社會及經濟因子對日本兒童生長之衝擊。本研究使用1900至2000年所進行的學童健康統計調查(School Health Statistics Survey)資料,以6至17歲之日本兒童與青少年為目標族群,同時考慮主要的社會變遷,評估在20世紀間目標族群之生長變化。在20世紀的100年間,男生平均每10年身高增加1.0-2.0公分,體重增加0.4-1.7公斤;而女生平均每10年身高增加1.1-1.9公分,體重增加0.4-1.5公斤。在二次世界大戰前、戰爭期間及戰後,身高增加的速率有顯著差異。雖然2000年的日本孩童比上1900年的孩童,體型明顯較大,但是在1950至1960年間,增加的幅度可能只是補長,回復至二次大戰前的體型大小。在1960年後,體型仍繼續增長,以青春期學生的體型增加最大。雖然身體質量指數在大部分年齡層都增加,但17歲的女生在那100年間都維持一致的身體質量指數。本篇結果釐清20世紀日本學童生長情況的長期變化,以及可能造成影響之因素。


Human growth is associated with complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors. While research has reported increased body size and body mass index (BMI) of Japanese children, few studies have compared the magnitude of increments in growth before and after World War II (WW II) and also considered other social and economical events that may have influenced the growth of children. The current study assessed the secular change in growth in Japanese children and adolescents aged between 6 and 17 years using data from the School Health Statistics Survey conducted between 1900 and 2000 with consideration of key social changes during the 20th Century. Over the 100-year period, Japanese boys had height and weight increments of 1.0-2.0 cm per decade and 0.4-1.7 kg per decade whereas girls had rates of 1.1-1.9 cm and 0.4-1.5 kg per decade, respectively. The rates of height increment were significantly (p<0.05) different between pre-, during and post-WW II periods. While Japanese children were considerably larger in 2000 compared to 1900, increments between 1950 and 1960 reflected catch-up growth to restore physical size seen in children prior to WW II. The increments in body size continued after 1960 with greatest changes seen across the pubertal years. While increments in BMI were evident in most age groups, the BMI of 17-year-old girls was consistent over the 100 years. Results clarified secular changes in growth in Japanese school children across the 20th Century and possible factors contributing to these changes.


secular change Japan children height BMI
