  • 期刊

Reliability of Body Fat Measurement: Skindfold, Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis and Infrared



本實驗的目的是探討測量體組成(Body composition)及身體脂肪百分比(Percent body fat; % fat)的三種測量方法:用生物電子阻抗儀(bioelectrical impedance analysis; BIA),近紅外線分析儀(near-infrared interactance; IF),以及皮脂厚度測量計(skinfold caliper; SF)在測試者本身(intrarater)和測試者彼此之間(interrater)的測試信度。受試者為20位正常體重青年人,男女各半(其平均年齡23±2歲;平均體重60±9公斤);分別接受這三種方法測量體脂肪之百分比。每位元受試者均由二位物理治療師分別用這三種方法重覆地做二次測試;在兩次測試之間有20分鐘的間隔。做生物電子阻抗分析時,受試者採平躺的姿勢接受測試。做紅外線測量時,受試者則探坐姿,由二頭肌的中點附近讀取脂肪百分比之數值。另外,在測量皮脂厚度時,我們用蘭吉測度計(Lange caliper)(每平方毫米10公克的穩定壓力)測量二頭肌、三頭肌、肩胛下肌以及腸骨上方等四處的皮脂厚度。在兩次測試之間有20分鐘的間隔。統計方面,我們用階級內相關係數(Intraclass correlation coefficient)來計算測試信度。用one-way ANOVA來評估三種測量方法之間的差異。實驗結果顯示:(1)三種方法在同一測試者前後兩次測量值之間的信度(ICC1)均很高(BIA的ICC1為0.999;IF的ICC2為0.996;SF的ICC2為0.998)(2)三種方法在測試者彼此間的信度(ICC2)均很高(BIA的ICC2為0.999;IF的ICC2為0.995);SF的ICC2為0.994(3)用ANOVA分析的結果,發現用生物電子阻抗儀所測的體脂肪百分比(平均值為20.6%)和其他兩種方法所測得的數值(紅外線:平均值為23.3%;皮脂厚度:22.6%)之間,並無顯著的差異。


This study was designed to examine the intrarater and interrater reliability in estimating percent body fat (%fat) among bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), near-infrared interactance (IF) and skinfold caliper (SF). Twenty young normal adults (mean age=23±2 y. o.; mean weight=60±9kg) received repeated BIA, IF and SF measurements by two therapists Subjects was tested in supine position for BIA measurements (Biodynamics, Model 310). IF was measured in sitting position by Futrex-5000, and the values were obtained from the anterior midline of the biceps. SF measurements were taken by Lange calipers (l0g/mm^2 constant pressure) at biceps, triceps, subscapulr and suprailiac sites. There was 20min interval between each measurement for reliability tests which were assessed by Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The difference among three methods was assessed by one-way ANOVA. The results indicated: (1) the intrarater reliability (ICC1,) of the three methods was high (ICC1, of BIA=0.999; ICC1, of IF=0.995; ICC1, of SF=0.994); (2) the interrater reliability (ICC2) was also high in BIA (ICC2=0.999), SF (ICC2=0.998)and IF (ICC2=0.996) (3)there was no significant difference among the %fat values estimated by BIA (mean=20.6%) and the other two methods (mean percent fat value of IF and SF was 23.3% and 22.6%, respectively).


