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Brain Functional Differences in Language Processing between Gifted and Non-Gifted Children



Children's language ability is the basis for learning and literacy development. One typical trait of gifted children is their early-matured language and thought. To examine the language ability and brain function of gifted children (GT) during the processing of language tasks, 22 gifted students and 18 non-gifted (NG) students were recruited for this study. The research instruments included the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children IV (WISC IV)-Chinese Version, Reading Comprehension Screening Test (RCST), Chinese Character Recognition Test (CCRT), Phonological Awareness Task (Tone Awareness test and Onset-Rime Awareness test), and an fMRI task modified from "Auditory Responsive Naming Task" (picture matching task, word detection task, and beep detection task). The results confirmed that the GT group performed significantly better on the intelligent scale, reading comprehension test and Chinese character recognition test; regarding phonological awareness, the GT group outperformed the NG group particularly in tone awareness and onset awareness, but not in the rime awareness test. The Full Scale IQ of WISC IV was significantly correlated with all linguistic performance measures; the score of Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) was also significantly correlated with all linguistic performance measures except for Rime Awareness (RA), and the stepwise analysis indicated that the subtests of VCI predict linguistic performance well. The fMRI results showed that during the word detection task the GT group had higher and more widespread bilateral brain activation involving language processing brain regions while the NG group had more unilateral brain activation during different tasks; more activation was also found in the post cingulate cortex in the GT group than the NG group during the word detection task.




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