  • 期刊


The Impact of Non-Traditional Security Crises on Tourism




Travel & Tourism is one of the world's largest sectors. According to WTTC research this sector accounted for 10.3% of global GDP and 10.4% of total employment in 2019. But UNWTO estimates that worldwide export revenues from tourism will loss US$ 910 billion to US$ 1.2 trillion in 2020 because of COVID-19 pandemic. Pandemic crisis is one of Non-Traditional Security issue which is an important sector of human security field. Safety and security are always indispensable conditions for tourism, also influence tourists' decision making on tourist destination. The tourism sector is easily affected by global crises. As the conspicuous impacts of COVID-19, volcanic eruptions, terrorist attacks, mass disturbances and financial crisis also affect tourism and related industries. This paper observes and evaluates some cases, such as 911 attacks, East-Japan earthquake and tsunami, SARS, 2008/2009 Global financial Crisis, etc., by Non-Traditional Security approach. And analysis the impacts and threats on tourist behavior, destination and tourism industries of natural disasters, terrorist attacks, infectious diseases and crises of economic and political. The results show when crisis broke out, tourist's numbers and total tourism receipts decreased. When the crisis event end and damage repair in some cases, such as infectious diseases, natural disasters, the effects almost stop, and situation start to recovery. But in some cases, such as terrorist attacks etc., the effects will continue several months because of tourists fear. Following, this paper concludes the future observation indicator for governments and private sectors to make crisis response strategy.


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UNWTO (2001). “Tourism Highlights, 2001 Edition.” https://www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284406845. Retrieval Date: 2021/03/10.
UNWTO (2002). “Tourism Highlights, 2002 Edition.” https://www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284406876. Retrieval Date: 2021/03/10.
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