  • 期刊

The Role of Non-cognitive Traits in Higher Education Achievement among Economically Disadvantaged Taiwanese Youths





Despite the profound impact of poverty on individual development, empirical research on this issue has been scanty in Taiwan. Youths from economically disadvantaged families tend to have lower academic achievement than their peers from middle-class families. Yet recent studies have shown that positive non-cognitive traits often mediate and moderate the negative developmental outcomes among poor children. This study aims to use both the 7th and 9th grade samples (N=3,544) from the Taiwan Youth Project to examine how non-cognitive traits (using both subjective and objective measures) affect the higher education outcomes of youths who experienced economic hardship in adolescence. The results show that for both the younger and older cohorts, positive personality traits are positively associated with higher odds of entering a top university. However, limited evidence is found for the protective effects of personality. For the younger cohort, among youths who were exposed to late economic disadvantage, scoring high on the subjective positive self-image measure has a marginal effect on raising the likelihood of entering a good university. For the older cohort, being more conscientious has a marginal positive effect on increasing the likelihood of attending a top university for those who were exposed to chronic economic hardship, when compared to their peers who never experienced economic disadvantage. The implications of these findings and the impact of the 2000 educational reforms for the high school entrance requirements are discussed.


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