  • 期刊


Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Presenting with a Middle Ear and External Ear Canal Mass




鼻咽癌 耳咽管 延伸 中耳 外耳道


Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) has been prevalent among the Chinese for a long time. The most common spread routes are the foramina at the base of skull or the paranasal sinuses. However, we encountered an NPC patient with an extremely rare presentation. He was a 30 year-old male who complained of right otalgia with purulent discharge as his initial symptoms. Gradually, he began to suffer from blood-tinged rhinorrhea and sputum, a right headache, and a fast-growing mass of right neck. A physical examination revealed granulation-like tissue and a polypoid mass in the right external ear canal and a bulging mass in the nasopharynx. The pathology of the middle ear, the external ear canal, and the nasopharynx were almost identical, namely an undifferentiated carcinoma (WHO classification type III). In addition, imaging showed that the nasopharyngeal mass was continuous with the tumor in Eustachian tube and that it had extended further to the tympanic cavity. So, from the pathological and imaging evidence, it was confirmed that the nasopharyngeal cancer had spread along the Eustachian tube to middle ear cavity and then further to the external ear canal.
