  • 期刊


Exploring the Different Patterns of Gender Gap-A Study of Taiwan Voters' Party Identification


本文回顧性別差距的理論發展,檢視在不同時期,女性主義對於行為研究所提出的挑戰下,如何引導出不同的性別差距的研究途徑、解釋與研究結果。其次,本文由回顧政黨認同的性別差距相關實證研究中,提出性別為何與如何影響選民政黨認同,進一步探討性別對於政黨認同的不同影響途徑。本文並透過分析2004年立法委員選舉台灣選舉與民主化調查(TEDS 2004L B卷)資料,提供一較為完整的政黨認同的性別差距的研究與解釋方式。整體而言,本文採取具有性別觀點(gender-sensitive)的研究取向,不同於早期性別盲(gender-blindness)的假設,將性別差異的意義簡化為傳統性別角色的反映;也不同於性別包容性(gender-inclusive)的傳統途徑,將性別視為控制變項忽略了性別的獨特性影響;而是重新看到性別差異背後複雜的因果關係,並進而引導了實證研究以不同的分析模式來揭露其中不同的因果路徑。具體而言,本文探討性別對政黨認同的影響,如何受到性別與社會結構之間的組合關係與條件關係的影響。


This paper first review the theoretical development of gender gap, to examine how challenges by feminist theory to empirical study has led to different research approaches and explanations toward gender gap. Secondly, through reviewing the empirical studies on gender gap, this paper proposes why and how gender affects voters' party identification. And, by analyzing 2004 TEDS data, the authors would like to provide a more comprehensive explanation on how gender gap influences party identification. As a whole, this study adopts a gender-sensitive theoretical approach that differs from the gender-blindness approach which takes gender differences as the reflection of the traditional gender role. It also differs from the gender-inclusiveness approach that takes gender as a control variable without looking into its independent influence. By adopting the gender-sensitive approach, we rediscover the complicated causal relationship behind gender gap, which leads to different ways in processing data to reveal and clarify the different causal mechanisms. By comparing the whole sample with the gender-specific sample, this study found the influence of gender on PID was affected by its composition and conditional relation with social structure factors. By composition effect, it means that the different PID between women and men was caused by their different social positions. By conditional effect, it means that women and men are affected by different social structure and issue position, which explained the difference of their party identification composition. The differences between gender on the respective PID was not only that men and women identified with different parties, but also how issue attitude and conditions in social structure affect their respective PIDs.


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