  • 期刊


The Formation of Subjectivity in Ideology


作為群體理想性產物的意識形態,無論是從形成的機制或是所具有的社會功能而言,事實上貫穿了整個自我的建構、群體的凝聚以及錯覺的形成等一系列過程,其中至少同時包括理想的功能、偶像的認同與觀念的投射等不同的面向。藉由精神分析理論的詮釋,不但可以彰顯出意識形態本身的功能結構、動力過程與能量機制,尤其特別的是,這個架構納入了欲望的維度,使意識形態中各種形式的無意識活動亦得以被揭露。精神分析的學說有助於人們理解抽象論述背後所隱藏的「非理性」因素,但這並不意謂意識形態的整個現象可以全部化約為是情感的分析。佛洛依德基於人類精神活動的特質所提出的這些部分假設,雖然並非是對問題的一個完整解答,可是卻不失為是一個可供思考的方向。 對意識形態理論而言,精神分析理論的價值並非是在於它對主體如何被納入社會的問題提供了一個永恆與固定的模式,彷彿有一個社會本質,並且主體與意識形態之間存在著某種一成不變的關聯。重要在於這個學說事實上為主體不同形態的參與及聯結方式提供了一個可操作的場域,在其中各種可能的主體性位置都可以具體地被定位、描繪、分析,並清楚地被呈現出是建立在什麼樣的內在與外在可能性條件之上。換言之,重點並非是以一個既有的或固定的答案作為劃定佛洛依德意識形態理論的內容,而是設法去掌握各類意識形態的特殊性,探討的是在每一個特定的歷史情境中出現的是何種形式的壓抑、驅力動態、理想對象、理想化過程、認同行為、情感結構、社會聯結…等一系列現象,最終當然也包括可能存在的昇華方式。


精神分析 意識形態 理想 自戀 錯覺 群體


No matter from the mechanism of formation or the social function, ideology considered as a projection of a group's ideal, works through the ego construction, the union of the group and the formation of the illusion. It includes the function of ideal, the identity of the idol and the projection of the idea. By means of the psychoanalytic interpretation, the mechanism of energy, the dynamic process and the structure of ideology can be revealed. In particular, this kind of analytic framework puts forward the dimension of desire and therefore demonstrates the inconscient activities in ideology. The theory of psychoanalysis can facilitate the comprehension of the ”irrational” factors hidden in the abstract discourses. But it does not mean that the whole phenomena of ideology can be reduced to the analysis of emotions. Although Freud's hypotheses based on the characteristics of human psychic activities do not provide a final answer, it indicates, however, at least a new direction of thinking. The value of the psychoanalysis, for the theory of ideology, does not consist in that it constructs a constant and fixed model for the insertion of the subject, as if there were a social essence and an eternal relation between subject and ideology. In fact, the every importance of psychoanalysis remains on that it builds on an operational field in which the insertion and relation of different subjects can be clearly located, described and analyzed. It can reveal what kind of conditions of possibilities that different subjective positions are situated. In others words, the importance is not to define the content of Freud's theory of ideology, but to grasp the particularities of ideologies, to explore in every determined historic situation different kinds of repression, instinctual impulse, ideal object, idealization, identities, affective structure, social ties etc and finally to search for the possible sublimations.


psychoanalysis ideology ideal narcissism illusion group


