  • 期刊


Public Health Problems in Southern Taiwan: Compared with Northern Taiwan




Objectives: This study analyzes southern Taiwan's public health problems by comparing them with northern Taiwan in three dimensions: socioeconomic status and population characteristics; disease burden and life expectancy; and public health resources. Method: The data are based on the county- and city-level statistics of the above three dimensions collected or compiled by Directorate General of Budget Accounting and Statistics of the Executive Yuan, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Department of Health, and Department of Environmental Protection. The relevant statistics for southern and northern Taiwan were than calculated and compared. For the comparison of mortality rates of the ten leading causes of death, the index of excess mortality was used to measure the gaps between southern and northern Taiwan. Result: The study found that southern Taiwan is much more disadvantaged than northern Taiwan: Its average annual income is much lower than that of northern Taiwan. Furthermore, in the past two decades, this disparity has increased. Southern Taiwan's average educational level is also lower than northern Taiwan's. This disparity has not decreased in the past two decades. Southern Taiwan is less urbanized and its population is aging much faster than northern Taiwan. The mortality rates of the ten leading causes of death are higher in southern Taiwan and the state of these inequalities has either persisted or worsened in the past one or two decades. The life expectancy of the population of southern Taiwan is about two years less than that of northern Taiwan. In terms of public health resources, other than the indicators of the numbers of medical providers and hospital beds, southern Taiwan is more disadvantaged than northern Taiwan. Conclusion: The best solution to southern Taiwan's persistently disadvantaged status is the integration and collaboration between the health and medical profession and the people in the communities in southern Taiwan.


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