  • 期刊


Factors influencing service utilization of reablement services after specification adjustments of the 10-Year Long-Term Care Plan 2.0 in Taiwan: Andersen's Behavioral Model of Health Services Use




Objectives: This study explored changes in the operating norms of home reablement services implemented by the Ministry of Health and Welfare before and after 2020 and their effects on service users' satisfaction levels. Methods: This study adopted a cross-sectional survey design with Andersen's Behavioral Model of Health Services Use as the framework. A structured questionnaire was designed and distributed to individuals in Taichung who had used home reablement services since January 2018. Results: The respondents' level of satisfaction with the services was 94.1%, and those with moderate needs on the list of care problems were less satisfied than those with low needs (OR = 0.317). Those who had received services before and after 2020 (n = 177) had satisfaction levels of 96.0% and 50.3% with the policy before and after 2020, respectively. Although goal-oriented satisfaction with a subsidy program is often employed as a determinant of policy satisfaction, changes in service manual guidelines and the applicability of some service package measures may be the underlying causes of differences in service user satisfaction. The reablement service specification adjustments did not significantly affect the implementation of the reablement plan. Conclusions: After implementing changes in the operational guidelines for long-term care reablement services in 2020, users' satisfaction level with services declined significantly. Policymakers are advised to adopt a multidimensional approach to patient care and to not measure all professional service combinations by a single standard. Furthermore, policymakers should implement evaluations to assess the effectiveness of various combinations of service duration and frequency to ensure that service users with varying degrees of disability receive professional services that meet their needs.


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