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Winning by Making Fewer Errors? The Effects of Team Familiarity on Errors in Teams




This study explores the antecedents and consequences of errors in teams with team knowledge-based view. It examines the relationship between the dimensions of team familiarity including team leadership experience, shared team experience, and team stability, and team errors and the effect of team errors on team performance. Longitudinal data from Chinese Professional Baseball League teams from 1990 to 2019 is analyzed in this study. The empirical results show that shared team experience and team composition stability have significant negative effects on team errors and that team errors are negatively associated with team performance. Moreover, team errors have partially mediating effects on the relationship between team leadership experience, shared team experience, team stability and team performance. This study suggests that team familiarity is a multifaceted construct. The findings clarify the relationship between team familiarity and team implicit coordination and extend our understanding of team errors. This study also provides relevant theoretical and practical implications of the empirical results.


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