  • 期刊

The Efficiency-oriented and Value-oriented Route in the Value-building Framework of Green Businesses



This study develops how green business builds the value via an efficiency-oriented route and a value-oriented route, respectively. The efficiency-oriented route starts with business resource integration, which expresses how a green business maximizes its resource efficiency to obtain appropriate value-in-use (economic value) via user experience. The value-oriented route starts with green shared value, which expresses how a green business seeks to the cooperative contribution of consumers and businesses that is created to obtain reciprocity value (social value) via green trust. We surveyed 525 customers who purchased environment-friendly products in Taiwan. This empirical study employed structural equation modeling and found that the value-oriented route has a greater influence on the reciprocity value. This path indicates that the green shared value has the strongest positive effect on green trust, which positively influences the reciprocity value.




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