  • 期刊


A constraint-led approach to sport pedagogy: Concept, measurements and applications


近年來限制導向觀點(constraints led approach, CLA)在運動教育學領域開始受到許多研究者的關注,也被視為一種對傳統結構化體育教學的反思,2019年領域核心期刊體育與運動教育(Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy)亦有一期以限制為主題的專刊。然而,CLA在運動教育學領域的研究發展尚處於起步階段,仍有許多研究缺口有待補足,同時對體育教師而言,CLA文獻的不足也降低了實際操作與應用的可能。為了促進CLA在運動教育學領域之研究發展,並且拓展CLA於體育教學現場的可應用性,本文依序介紹限制之理論基礎、限制之類別、操作限制之實務應用、限制之測量、以及限制之相關研究成果。經回顧後可發現:一、CLA並不像理解式教學法等體育教學模式有完整的實施步驟,對於體育教師而言有較高的執行門檻,因此建議未來研究可持續探究CLA的實施方式與教學效果、以及檢驗體育教師在CLA教學中所遇到的挑戰與問題。二、在測量上,由於CLA主要強調技能學習為學習者在知覺-動作景觀裡持續探索與利用穩定協調型態的動力過程,建議未來研究除了可針對相關限制的操弄以促進學習者探索更有效的協調型態,同時也可嘗試量化學習者的動力型態變化。三、由於現有研究成果缺少與體育課學習目標的連結,較不利於CLA的普及,因此,透過更多學習理論導向的研究來為了補足此研究路線的不足實有其必要。整體而言,CLA在運動教育學領域仍有相當大的開拓空間,期望未來有更多研究者投入CLA的研究,為體育課學生學習成效產生更實質的貢獻。


Constraints led approach (CLA) in sport pedagogy has receivedincreased attention in recent years. In 2019, Physical Education (PE) and Sport Pedagogy dedicated a special issue based on the possible use of a CLA-led application in PE. To further develop this approach, weintroduce the theoretical concept, categorization, applications, constraint manipulations as well as related CLA research findings. Based on the data from the studies, we exemplify some of the key issues and challenges in the literature. The synthesis is as follows: 1. CLA lacksa comprehensive implementation process as compared with more mature PE instructional models (e.g.,TGfU). CLA is more challenging for physical educators who wish to adopt it in their class setting. For that reason, an in-depth examination of the implementation, outcomes, and encountered challenges resulting from the use of CLA is proposed for future studies. 2. Considering CLA emphasizes skill acquisition and a dynamic perspective of perceptual-motor exploration from an action-perception theory, the manipulation of correlating constraints and the changes to the dynamic modules should be included in future studies. 3. Additional researchin learning theories is suggested to fill the gapfor this topic due to the lack of student's psychosocial connection data in the current findings.In general, little is known about CLA in sport pedagogy indicating that further exploration of CLA studies is needed. We expect CLA will receive greater attention and make contributions towards the improvement of the effectiveness of learning in PE.


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