  • 期刊

Orthognathic Surgery for the Correction of Facial Bone Deformity in Cleft Patients



背景: 唇顎裂的病人經過修補手術在成年之後常伴隨著咬和不良及顏面不對稱。隨著正顎手術的進步,這些問題已得到顯著的改善。 材料及方法: 在近四年內,58位唇顎裂的病人接受齒列矯正及正顎手術。所有病人在術前術後皆接受語言評估與門診追蹤一年以上。 結果: 所有病人皆得到滿意的咬合與外觀。其中三位在語言方面亦得到改善。 結論: 正顎手術提供了精確的方法來矯正唇顎裂病人的咬合與外觀。術前的評估與詳細的治療計畫是能否獲得滿意結果的重要因素。




Background: The facial deformities following primary lip and palate repair are quite often seen among cleft patients in their teenage. The application of orthognathic surgery can correct these deformities and achieve satisfactory outcomes. This article reviewed the outcomes of orthognathic surgery in this specific group of patients. Materials and Methods: Fifty-eight patients in recent four years who underwent orthognathic surgery combined with orthodontic treatment were reviewed. Each patient received speech counseling before and after surgery. All of them were followed up for more than one year to evaluate the dental occlusion, speech, and esthetic outcomes. Results: Three patients had improvement of velopharyngeal function. Most patients obtained satisfactory functional and aesthetic outcomes. Moreover, the occlusion and the facial profile were maintained well in long term follow-up. Conclusion: The orthognathic surgery poses as an effective method to correct various facial deformities in cleft patients. A detailed assessment of patients and a careful surgical plan are essential to achieving a satisfactory outcome.
