  • 期刊


A Research of Functional Orthotic Corrects the Forefoot Varum


生物力學腳部前足內翻為一不健康力學結構,造成代償作用使下肢與腰背有各種疼痛症狀,尤其於高度精密力學要求運動活動時更須探討此力學結構,避免傷害產生。本研究以3位女性6隻腳為研究對象,設計功能性支架維持下距關節中立位置,且以AMTI足踏板分析穿戴支架前後異常。結果顯示T7有意義延長(P=0.0431),第五蹠骨(footswitch )著地時間延長,代表功能性支架有意義改善下距關節位置去除代償作用發生。




Fore foot varum is unsound from the biomechanic point of view, a lot of musculoskeletal discorders may be found, such as hallucis valgus with bunion, achillus tendinitis, chronic arch strain, shin splint, patellofemoral derangement and low back syndrome. ”Fore foot varum is unsound from the biomechanic point of view, a lot of musculoskeletal discorders may be found, such as hallucis valgus with bunion, achillus tendinitis, chronic arch strain, shin splint, patellofemoral derangement and low back syndrome. We tried to catch the negative cast of the foot in neutral position with P-Pcast and took the functional orthotic (Rohadura) from Langer Orthotic Labortory LTD. The AMTI's Computerized Biomechanic Platform System with 4 footswitches were applied to detect the ground reaction force, % stance phase etc. Three ladies (age 25,30,23) with 6 feet were taken to this study. The assement was compared with or with out wearing orthotics. Delay T7 (p=0.0431) and increasing Metars 5 Time (p=0.0096) during stance phase were significantly, it means the subtalar joint could be correct by this functional orthotic.
