

這篇文章報告一個moyamoya疾病的兒童,有運動、認知及情緒上的問題。在一系列豐富的復健,這個女孩在細動作、認知及情緒上有顯著進步。   Moyamoya疾病是小兒缺血性中風的一個重要原因。它的好發年齡呈現雙峰分布,一是在小兒(約十歲),另一則是在成人,約三十到四十歲。 Moyamoya疾病是一個進行中但原因不明的大腦動脈狹窄甚至阻塞的疾病。其發病原理仍不清楚。典型的血管攝影表現是如煙霧狀含糊噴出的擴張血管。治療可以是藥物或手術。 相較於成人中風,由於發展因素,嬰幼兒中風更需要積極額外的復健。中風對小兒而言其影響是長期的。所以個別的治療計畫,對moyamoya疾病的小孩在改善功能上是有益的。


This work describes motor, cognition and emotional problems in a child with Moyamoya disease before and after rehabilitation. Following comprehensive rehabilitation, the girl achieved improved gross motor, fine motor, cognition and emotional control. Moyamoya disease is an important cause of childhood ischemic stroke. Moyamoya disease has a bimodal age distribution, with one group of pediatric age (around first decade of life), and a second group of adults in the 30 to 40-year-old age range. Moyamoya disease involves progressive idiopathic stenosis and eventual occlusion of the large cerebral arteries at the circle of Willis. The pathogenesis of Moyamoya disease remains unclear. The typical angiographic finding is dilated perforating arteries with the appearance of an ambiguous puff of smoke. Treatment can be medical or surgical. Compared with adult stroke patients, infants and young children have additional rehabilitation consirerations. Developmental issues create additional rehabilitation considerations in infants and young children with Moyamoya disease. The effects of stroke are long lasting and can significantly impact child development. Therefore, individualized therapeutic programs appear beneficial for improving function in children with Moyamoya disease.


Moyamoya disease ischemic stroke children


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