  • 期刊


Organizational Adaptation to the Regulatory Change of Standard Working Hours in Taiwan: An Employment Flexibility Perspective




Integrating institutional theory and strategic human resource management perspectives, this study explores why and how the underlying institutional logics behind firms affecting their reactions to the coercive institutional forces, which is the amendment of Labor Standard Act in 2016. Using a survey sample from 188 Taiwanese firms, our results indicate the more a firm utilized work time flexibility before the legal amendment, they will adopt more other labor flexibility practices in order to protect the existing institutional logics behind their present employment flexibility policy, that is, cost leadership. They will adopt more substitute flexibility practices such as functional flexibility and numerical flexibility. As well, they will restrict the use of complement flexibility practices such as compensation flexibility to lessen the detrimental impact of coercive forces on their existing instructional logics to remain their employment cost under control. However, the adaptation may result in more arguments and conflicts due to the rise of multiple institutional logics during this time.


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