  • 期刊


The difference in the Mind System of the Southern Song Dynasty in Shi-Jing: A Comparative research of Yang Jian's Ci Hu Shi Chuan and Yuan Xie's Jie Zhai Mao Shi Jing Yan Jiang Yi




Both of Yang Jian and Yuan Xie are the students of Lu Jiu Yuan who is the seat of honor in Mind System of the Southern Song Dynasty.Both Yang's Ci Hu Shi Chuan and Yuan's Jie Zhai Mao Shi Jing Yan Jiang Yi are masterpieces in the history of the Shi-Jing. Both Yang Jian and Yuan Zhen are good at explaining Shi-Jing with the mind , however, they have different understandings of "mind". In their studies on Shi-Jing, they also showed a completely different style. This article explains how Yang and Yuan applied their mentality to the interpretation of the Shi-Jing , not only stating each of them, but more important to make a detailed comparison both of them. Including data statistics, analysis of phenomena, and evaluation of value. Through the discussion in this article, the readers can learn that the mind system of the Southern Song Dynasty, the different scholars' point of view of Shi-Jing and their different interpretations.


〔漢〕毛亨傳,〔漢〕鄭玄箋,〔唐〕孔穎達疏:《毛詩正義》,收入李學勤主編:《十三經注疏整理本》第 9 冊,臺北:臺灣古籍出版公司,2001 年 10 月。
[漢]伏勝撰,[漢]鄭玄注,〔清〕孫之騄輯︰《尚書大傳》,影印《文淵閣四庫全書》第 68 冊,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1983 年 8 月-1986 年 3 月。
[漢]伏勝撰,[漢]鄭玄注,〔清〕陳壽祺輯:《尚書大傳》,收入王雲五等編:《四部叢刊初編》,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1975 年 6 月。
舊題〔漢〕孔鮒:《孔叢子》,影印《文淵閣四庫全書》第 695 冊,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1983 年 8 月-1986 年 3 月。
〔宋〕陸九淵撰,鍾哲點校:《陸九淵集》,北京:中華書局,1980 年 1 月。
