  • 期刊


A Decision Tree Based on Driving Risk Levels to Manage the Aberrant Behavior of Highway Bus Drivers




Traffic crash occurred on freeway often leads to serious casualties and property damage. A highway bus driver must pay full attention in a high-risk working environment during their career. Each time aberrant driving behavior occurred may result in severe consequences. Hence risk management has always been valued by bus companies. Although many studies have investigated the causes of crashes, few have assessed drivers' risk level to establish a rigorous accident prevention system. In addition, zero accident does not equal safety. We need to measure risk by other indicators to prevent accidents. This study grades risk by an objective weighting method considering different importance to risk of various types of aberrant driving behaviors. Moreover, decision tree analysis is applied to display the impact of driving behaviors on risk level, providing bus companies with intuitive risk management tool. The risk level of any driver can be graded effectively through calibrated tree models. These models established in this study show that violation of safety distance is the key behavior to distinguish high-risk drivers.


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