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Management of COVID-19 Healthcare Associated Outbreak with Enhanced Infection Control Measures




A surge of COVID-19 cases emerged in northern Taiwan since mid-May 2021. A patient with COVID-19 infection was detected 4 days after hospitalization at Far Eastern Memorial Hospital (FEMH) and spread the disease to other patients, chaperons, and healthcare workers (HCWs). In addition to the application of CDC protocol for outbreak control, the hospital responded with decreased routine clinical services within days, emergent massive vaccination to healthcare workers, rapid expansion of wards and intensive care units with simple construction within weeks to minimize patient stay at emergency department, and large-scale testing for HCWs, patients and their chaperons. With the rapid response, the first outbreak was controlled. Another small outbreak was detected later but controlled soon with enhanced surveillance and capacity of care. With determined leadership and concerted efforts by all workers, combined interventions can stop the transmission of COVID-19 in the hospital and help the whole society to fight against the epidemic.


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