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Aeronautical Decision-making Training: The Application from Decision-making Theory to Aeronautical Decision-making Auxiliary Mnemonics


戰鬥機飛行員通常都是在有潛在風險的環境之下執行各項戰術任務與訓練,既要殲擊敵機、又要安全地操控本身的飛機,從例行飛行任務所使用的簡單規則與程序,到遭遇複雜的緊急情況,所做的各種反應幾乎均與「飛行決策」(Aeronautical Decision-making)有關。 中華民國空軍應用「人為因素分析及歸類系統」研究飛安事件,發現因「飛行決策錯誤」所導致的飛安事件高達42%(李文進和Harris, 2006),而美國空軍則有45%失事案件與「決策錯誤」有關,此現象反映出一個必須仔細思考的問題:爲什麼國內外之飛行員都有共同的飛行決策問題?因此,如何有效精進飛行員之「飛行決策」的品質是一個值得深入探討的主題。 航空心理學家發現適當的訓練可以改善飛行員決策的能力(Endsley, 1997; Jensen, 1997; Jensen & Hunter, 2002; Klein, 1997; Prince & Salas, 1993)。Orasanu (1993)指出雖然飛行員決策能力可以經由適當的訓練來加以改善,但並沒有證據支持通用的飛行決策訓練可以改善所有的決策問題,因為有六種不同類型的基本決策,所面臨的問題均不相同,時間壓力與風險高低也不一樣,自然也不能期望用相同的方法來處理。而李文進和Harris(2006)發現兩種「飛行決策輔助記憶術」(SHOR & DESIDE)能有效提昇飛行員在面臨情況危急(SHOR)與有時間仔細思考的飛行情境下(DESIDE)之決策品質。 本研究的主要目的是融合「飛行決策理論」與航空領域中已被驗證過且成效良好之「飛行決策輔助記憶術」,應用SHOR與DESIDE之技巧於六種不同之「飛行決策想定」,並建立一套標準的「飛行決策」之範例,以使戰鬥機飛行員在執行任務過程中,遭遇緊急狀況時,提昇有關的飛行決策品質。


Military pilots, in addition to carrying out tactical missions and flying the aircraft, have to solve unexpected and ill-defined problems with only partial information available and while under hostile environment. Flying a high-technology fighter aircraft with high stakes and under high g-force is not only an issue of skilled psychomotor performance but an also aeronautical decision-making involving situation awareness, a choice amongst alternatives and assessment of risk within a limited-time frame. It was found there were 42% of accidents in the ROC Air Force and 45% of accidents in the US Air Force related to decision errors by applying the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS). There is a need to think about why pilots always had decision-making problem around the world. It is a valuable research topic to improve the quality of pilots' in-flight decision-making. Many researchers have suggested that ADM is trainable (Endsley, 1997; Jensen, 1997; Jensen & Hunter, 2002; Klein, 1997; Prince & Salas, 1993). However, Orasanu (1993) suggested that generic training techniques to improve all-purpose decision-making skills would not be successful. She suggested that different component skills were involved when making six different basic types of decisions. Li & Harris (2005) undertook a study to identify the best ADM mnemonic-based methods for training military pilot's decisionmaking. From the results of this study it was found that SHOR (Wohl, 1981) was rated as being the best ADM mnemonic in time-limited and critical, urgent situations. DESIDE (Murray, 1997) was regarded as superior for knowledge-based decisions which required more comprehensive considerations but also had more time available to do so. This research applied the theories of Aeronautical decision-makingand ADM mnemonics for improving the quality of military pilots' in-flight decision-making. To optimize the effectiveness of decision-making training, it is suggested that it will be necessary to deliver instruction using both the SHOR and DESIDE ADM mnemonic-based methods in different scenarios and also provide advice concerning which approach is the most suitable in which situations in the tactical and urgent environment.


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