  • 學位論文


A Study on Aeronautical Decision-making Model for Civil Aviation

指導教授 : 郭佳瑋
共同指導教授 : 王全三


飛行員執行飛航任務時,係處於極高壓的情境,諸如面對時差、不同國籍的飛行員間之溝通與文化差異、正駕駛與副駕駛間之衝突與調和、高空大氣壓力及乾燥環境、身負『眾多乘客及其家庭安危』的重任、以及貨物是否無恙抵達目的地等。職是之故,約於1980年代,世界各國即對民航飛行員之訓練及決策模式展開一連串的研究,以期提高飛航安全。然而,飛行決策影響飛航安全甚鉅,但因其具有高度安全性及時效性之要求,故一般管理學領域中的決策模式皆難以適用於飛行決策上。 本文探討民航飛行決策模式的理論及相關研究,並以「半結構式訪談」為研究方法之一,深入訪談6位不同背景的臺籍民航飛行員,以瞭解實務上飛行決策模式的操作概況,而訪談內容由以下五個主題所構成:飛行決策的學習、飛行決策模式的運用、實務上的操作情形、飛行決策過程、以及飛行決策的影響因素等。 研究結果顯示,飛行員學習民航飛行決策模式的時點,會因飛行訓練背景、航空公司、飛行學校及飛行教官等的不同而有所差異,且飛行員間對於飛行決策模式的操作情形不一,有的會同時運用兩套以上的飛行決策模式,有的則基於避免失焦及熟練等理由,認為應只運用一套決策模式即可;此外,國籍、文化及飛行背景等之差異會影響飛行決策,故須藉由妥善溝通及標準化決策模式、訓練方式及作業流程等來緩解該影響。 本研究認為,民航飛行決策模式應為一決策循環,且最初的決策步驟於決策過程中具關鍵性的地位,影響整體決策時程甚鉅;此外,須權衡決策的精緻性與時效性來設計民航飛行決策模式,故決策步驟的數量應適中而不宜過多。


Aviation is full of decisions. When conducting aviation missions, in order to avoid undesired results happening, commercial airline pilots should make numerous decisions in extremely high pressure due to tackling jet lag, cultural difference, cockpit gradient, uncomfortableness derived from low atmospheric pressure and humidity, the safety of passengers and cargoes, etc. In a nutshell, “well aeronautical decision-making, safe aviation.” This prompts worldwide focus on crew resource management, aeronautical decision-making model and training methods for commercial airline pilots. In this thesis, the author firstly explores theories and relevant studies of aeronautical decision-making model for civil aviation; Secondly, the author conducts semi-structural interviews with six commercial airline pilots with different background, and the main issues of these in-depth interviews are composed of learning aeronautical decision-making, aeronautical decision-making model in practice, the aeronautical decision-making process and factors of aeronautical decision-making. According to these interviews, individual pilot has his or her own learning path of aeronautical decision-making model on account of various policies airline companies and flying schools adopt. Besides, when conducting aviation mission, some pilots simultaneously capitalize on two or more aeronautical decision-making models, and others choose to focus on one model for proficiency and simplicity. Furthermore, the fact of diversified pilot members in airline companies has its pros and cons, and the cons could be improved by proper communication, standardizing the decision-making model and unifying training program. In the author’s opinion, aeronautical decision-making model for civil aviation must be a decision cycle, and the first step of decision-making plays as a crucial role in decision process; Moreover, the number of steps in aeronautical decision-making model should be of moderation for balancing sophistication and timeliness.


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