  • 期刊


Nonlinear pedagogy and teaching games for understanding: A constrained-led framework




With the ever-changing nature of information, educators are challenged to provide new knowledge and sharing resources from a complex and nonlinear perspective in Physical Education (PE). Traditionally, PE teachers attempt to teach motor skills by using verbal explanation, demonstration, and practice drills. In contrast, the supporters of Teaching Game for Understanding (TGfU) promote a PE model that allows learners to learn when, why and how to use skills and tactical concept in game environment. However, TGfU lacks appropriate theoretical concept from a motor learning perspective to account for its potential effectiveness. In this paper, we provide a framework of nonlinear pedagogy, which views the learners as the complex adaptive systems, for understanding how teaching and learning processes in TGfU work. From nonlinear pedagogy's perspective, learners' behaviors were emerged as consequences of self-organization process from interacting with constraints in learning environment. In addition, movement variability is necessary when learners explore different movement strategy to execute effective skill in modified games. As a suitable explanation for TGfU, manipulation of key constraints lead to the emergence of functional movement solutions. A practical application of nonlinear pedagogy is shared its relevance with TGfU pedagogical approach.
