  • 期刊


Comparison of Joint Angles and Muscle Activations between Simulated Stair-climbing Machine and General Ladder


本研究目的為比較操作模擬爬梯機與一般爬梯時,關節角度以及主要作用肌群肌肉活化情形。方法是以12名健康男大學生(平均年齡23.7±0.4歲、身高172.17±2.45公分、體重68.92±3.35公斤)為研究對象,以重複量數實驗設計,請受試者隨機攀爬75度和90度之爬梯訓練機與一般爬梯,實驗全程以高速攝影機進行300 Hz影片拍攝,以分析上下肢各主要關節角度變化,並利用表面肌電圖收集上下肢各主要肌群之肌肉活化。經相依樣本t檢定分析後,實驗結果顯示在運動學方面,梯子於75度角度下,爬梯訓練機與一般 爬梯上、下肢各關節角度無顯著差異,而梯子於90度角度下,大部分上、下肢關節角度無顯著差異;肌肉活化程度方面,無論是在75度或是90度角度下,爬梯訓練機與一般爬梯在部分上、下肢肌肉活化達顯著差異,且爬梯訓練機活化程度幾乎小於一般爬梯。本研究結論為攀爬模擬爬梯訓練機與一般爬梯時的肌肉收縮情形有些許差異,但關節角度變化則近乎一致。


動作分析 肌電圖 梯子角度


The purpose of this study was to compare the joint angles and muscle activations between simulated stair-climbing machine and general ladder. Twelve male healthy undergraduate students (aged 23.7±0.4 yrs, height 172.17±2.45 cm, weight 68.92±3.35 kg) were randomly assigned into the stair-climbing simulation machine and general ladder at two ladder angles (75 and 90 degrees) using a repeated measures design. A 300 Hz high-speed camera was used to record the climbing movements for the analysis of joint angles, and surface electromyography was used to collect the major muscle activations. After a paired t test, the results of kinematics showed that there were no significant differences in all joint angles of the upper and lower limbs between simulated stair-climbing machine and general ladder at the 75 degree ladder angle. Furthermore, no significant differences in most of the joint angles of the upper and lower limbs were recorded between both at the 90 degree ladder angle. The results of muscle activations showed that there were significant differences in some of the muscles between the simulated stair-climbing machine and general ladder at the 75 and 90 degrees ladder angles. Moreover, muscle activations during climbing the stair-climbing machine were generally smaller than those during climbing the general ladder. In conclusion, although the muscle activations had some differences between climbing the stair-climbing simulation machine and general ladder groups, climbing movements of upper and lower extremities were almost the same.


