  • 期刊


The Exploration of the Mental World within Su Shi's "Ting Phang Po" by Personality Theory from Adler




蘇軾 定風波 阿德勒 心理學 人格論


Su Shi's "Ting Phang Po" implied how he became a resilient person and learnt to optimize well-being when he went through ordeals in his career life. The researcher attempts to scrutinize how an oriental poet and an occidental psychologist emit sparks when it comes to face life predicaments. The arguments of "inferiority and transcendence," "community feelings," "teleology," "separation problem," and "belongingness" are utilized to observe the personalities of Su Shi and the psychological meaning of "Ting Phang Po." Within entire paper, five items are focused on "the inferiority and transcendence of Ting Phang Po," "the community feelings of Ting Phang Po," "the teleology of Ting Phang Po," "the levels of separation problem of Ting Phang Po," and "the belongingness of Ting Phang Po" to discuss and perceive the shift of mindset in Su Shi's life. Su Shi surmounted his inferiority complex that we can ferret it out from his text in which he made a poem sing out loud while strolling in the rain. He retrieved his concerns for societies, shook off the paradox of inhabiting a fluid life in a rigid world, and completely changed his outlook on life. By using the psychological arguments of Adler, the chaos of mental issue in "Ting Phang Po" are also separated into multiply levels.


Su Shi Ting Phang Po Alfred Adler Psychology
