  • 學位論文


Research of Sun Qi Feng Jing Shr Jr Yong Philosophy

指導教授 : 莊雅州


萬曆朝以後的明代景況,間接的內憂外患局面引致了國運逐漸的耗弱,使得整個國家疲弊不堪。從社會環境來看,戰亂人禍頻繁,人民生活必定顛沛貧困,必定需要一定時年休養生息;以學術環境而言,自明末王學風氣頹靡不思解困的緣故,文人意識薄弱,引發以虛見長的學說產生,與明末憂患的雙向影響,情況嚴重性可想而知。孫奇逢乃明清之際的儒者,對此動盪歷程亦有省思,他著作豐碩,內容深遠,思想以躬行實踐為其主旨,並著重儒者為人修養與重視聖賢之言與典籍回溯,由內而外推的思想意含,對於正待重整的時代思潮,正是一劑強心劑。 清初思想家亟欲挽救學術已久的疲弊情況,紛紛提出有益於糾正學風與人心的思想言論,以經世致用實學的新氣象貫串於清初學術環境裡,黜虛返實的理念一時蓬勃而起。經世思想是層面甚廣的研究範疇,大抵清初儒者討論面向即是從政治、軍事、社會、經濟等層面,屬外向的經世層面;本論文旨在論述孫奇逢由內而外顯的經世思想面向,分別從治家傳世、折衷理學、躬行實踐與切乎日用倫常的思考,著重回溯聖人典章以維護社會人心,論述中西接壤問題及以理闢虛等思維,予以論述,以彰顯孫氏別異於清初學術的特色與評價,期望理出孫氏內外兼具的經世致用之學,並側觀清初以至清中葉學術演變的預先視野,亦詳加補強了明清之際的間隙。


The situation after Wan Li of Ming Dynasty. The indirectly strafes caused the kingdom’s fortunes debilitating gradually. Making the entire country’s economic become weak. From the social environment. Frequent wars will make the people live in poverty. So people will need to found some relief for themselves. And the academic environment. Because the “Wang’s doctrine” is in a awkward predicament civilian awareness is weak. So cause the theory of abstract. Due the social and academic situation of Ming Dynasty. We can imagined the hard time of that time Sun Qi Feng is a scholar of Confucians who have the deep through of the turmoil and society. His had so many writings and the contents are profound. Focusing on practice emphasis on the words of saints and books intended to push the idea inside out . This is a tonic thoughts of that era. Early Confucians of Qing dynasty are anxious to save the weak academic situation, they mentioned some useful theories and philosophy in order to correct people’s thinking. Using the “practical learning” as the new atmosphere to improve the academic environment in early Qing dynasty. The philosophy of practice become popular at that time. Jing Shr philosophy is wide-arrange theme. The Qing Confucians discussed from political, military, social, economic and other aspects. They’re external “Jing Shr ”aspects. This master thesis is tried to discussed Sun Qi Feng’s philosophy which focus on household management, practical learning, daily ethics, and follows the rules of ancestors or saints. In order to protect the type of community and describes between the east and west’s questions . To highlight the core philosophy of Sun Qi Feng, emphasize his characteristic. Expecting to clarify Sun’s philosophy and observe the evolution of Qing’s academic situation, reinforced the gap of Ming and Qing dynasty.


田 浩《朱熹的思維世界》(台北:允晨文化出版社,2008)。
張麗珠《清代新義理學 — 傳統與現代的交會》(台北:里仁書局,2003)。


