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Space Users' Concern on Property Rights and Externalities while Hosting Short-Term Guests: the Impact from Airbnb-like Platforms on Existing Residents




Smart technology creates an innovative operating platform, readily improving the sharing economy. Nonetheless, home-sharing becomes complicated when it comes to the issue of shared ownership. This study presented the complexity of rights and responsibilities of the shared accommodation. The complexity that comes with residential form, the use of buildings, and the shared space makes it increasingly difficult manage home-sharing. Analyzing surveys taken by users, this paper suggests that the home-sharing concept is unstoppable in many aspects. Therefore, the regulation and management of the sharing goods are critical to the success of home-sharing. It should be based on various attributes to avoid possible misunderstandings among three groups: landlords, live-in travelers, and neighborhood residents. The essential management should be based on the following: 1: the characteristics of the sharing home; 2: the possible environmental spillover effects; 3: the possible sources of the tragedy of the commons; 4: the necessary monitoring and reflecting system. Once the threats to and the aspects of living quality are all under control, the flexibility of space and general convenience can finally be appreciated.


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