  • 期刊


A Study on the Core Values Embraced by National Universities in the Republic of China: From the Viewpoint of "School Motto Symbol"




國立大學 核心價值觀 校訓


The core values embedded in school mottos bear a great significance for the existence of universities. Yet this has been a topic under-researched in related literature either in Taiwan or other countries. This study, accordingly, surveyed a sample of 44 national universities in Taiwan by employing the qualitative method. The aim was to investigate the current status quo of the core values of their school mottos, and their common thinking. It was found that, among the 44 institutions investigated, 40 of them actually had established school mottos which they valued a lot, one institution was in the process of formulating, while another three were short of such motto. The latter replaced school mottos with other core values (e.g. campus spirit, university vision). In addition, based on the school mottos or other alternative core values that the sample universities had been honoring, we found substantial attention given by the concerned schools to the formulating process, internal implications that were encouraging in nature, brevity and conciseness in word choice, and core values embedded in shared common school mottos. Finally, the author offers some proposals of rationality from the dimensions related to sample universities themselves, non-sample universities, policies maintained by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, and things to be done by subsequent research.


national university core value school motto


Magyar, B. (2006). Humanistic and academic core values: The responsive and responsible reform of the European university. Higher Education in Europe, 31(4), 391-394. doi: 10.1080/03797720701303343